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Lecture Exercise 2 (Part 2)

Lecture Exercise 2 (Part 2)

Q Lecture Exercise 2 Part 2: Begin Thinking about Your Topic 1. Select a research topic and make sure to think of it in form of a larger research question. For example, something like “What factors influence people to go to raves?” You will not be answering the questions yourself. NOTE: Make sure that the topic you choose and the variables you propose are thoroughly social scientific. 2. Select a dependent variable, also known as DV (what you’re interested in understanding whether it is influenced). It may help to think of it in terms of a question you would ask people on a survey (see example below). 3. Select three independent variables, also known as IVs. These are variables that you think may be heavily influential on the dependent variables. So, if I keep going with the rave paper, whether or not someone goes to a rave is my dependent variable. What things do I think my help predict/explain/influence whether someone goes? For my IVs, I’d probably start with income, age, and 4. Locate three journal articles on the topic/DV and three factors/IVs. Do not use newspaper or magazine articles. These MUST be from academic journals. Example: (you may not write on this topic) 1. Capital Punishment 2. Views on the death penalty 3. Independent variable 1: Gender 4. Independent variable 2: Political party 5. Independent variable 3: Religious preference 6. Keywords and databases: gender and death penalty, political party and death penalty, religious preference and death penalty; ebscohost. 7. The three articles you found go here. NOTE: Aim for a full, APA citation. For that you will need the following items: author(s) name(s), journal name, year of publication, pages, article title, volume, issue. You are not answering these questions with an empirical project. Rather, you’re doing the first phase of thinking through a project that could become an empirical project. These are necessary steps that allow you to then develop the specific methodological approach that you’d use to investigate your research question. Complete the sections on the following page and upload that as your assignment. Please make sure to delete the text from the first page as it’s not necessary for us.

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1. Topic: 2. Dependent Variable: 3. Independent variable 1: 4. Independent variable 2: 5. Independent Variable 3: 6. Searched on keywords and : 7. Possible articles for literature review (enter the full citation!) a. Article for relationship between IV 1 and DV: b. Article for relationship between IV 2 and DV: c. Article for relationship between IV 3 and DV: